Muscular Oratory vs. Christian Cant

At Toronto’s Roy Thompson Hall on Friday, mining tycoon and host Peter Munk’s meandering introduction finally gave way to what was billed a battle of ideas. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair debated with ardent atheist Christopher Hitchens, over whether religion is a force for good in the world. Read More  Read More

Now Showing in the Theatre of Public Apology

I’m at the local café, glaring across the counter at an increasingly sheepish cashier. “I can make you another one,” she says, trying to avoid eye contact. She had forgotten I wanted my café latte not up to the rim, but three-quarters up. “No,” I hissed, leaning in, “I want an apology.” My day was already ruined, and only public penance would placate me. Read More  Read More


As I threaded my motorbike through Johannesburg’s streets at dusk, the clumsy and careless driving that seems integral to city life everywhere, was eclipsed by a single act. I revved the throaty motor to warn wayward pedestrians before charging down the busy street with increasing speed. Read More  Read More

Could they be the Future Leaders of Africa?

Toronto Star>> JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA — They have had a hand in changing national legislation in Kenya, built a school for refugees in Uganda and synthesized fuel from natural waste in South Africa — and they’re not even in university yet. This summer, they became the first graduates from the African Leadership Academy, which has drawn students from 33 African nations. ... Read More